I picked him up and held him like a baby...he fell right to sleep - man I love this dog - we're probably a bit obsessive, but we keep talking about how we can't wait to take him running...things come out of our mouths like 'wouldn't this be fun if Otis were here?' (pretty ridiculous, but we're excited)
On the work front, my job is OK - the staff is amazing...accepting, I feel like they are friends already, and have felt very accepted and supported. The students....they're another story. We have a unique combination of students here - the students from the surrounding area - mid to upper class, and then the busloads of students that are bused in from East Palo Alto - some are good kids, but the maturity level is extremely low...lower than I have experienced even in my time at Options For Youth - and then throw 27 of those into a classroom where you're trying to teach them math, the subject that everyone hates, and you've got yourself an interesting, sometimes disturbing dynamic. I couldn't be more thankful for where I work, 2 minutes from home, and some of my classes are awesome (I really like teaching geometry).
Personally, I have realized that part of the reason I felt so connected in LA is that I met a lot of people when I was single, and basically when you're single, your second JOB is to socialize, hang out, build deep relationships, and I was the beneficiary of those relationships I had built while single even after getting married. I've found here that that building process is going to take a bit longer...because although there are some really great girls at work, my priority is George and being home...all that to say that I miss you guys...there's no 'replacing' you :) On a bright note, there's a two people around my age at work that are great - one who's expecting her first baby in May, and another that isn't married, has been SUCH a welcoming presence at the school, and who is hanging out with gp and I in the city tonight....so we're beginning to feel a little more a part of things.
Still no church home yet - we're trying a new one on Sunday...keep chanting to ourselves that 'we'll never replace CA'...such a hard act to follow! I'm heading out to visit Sarah in November...can't wait to hike through the Connecticut woods with her for a weekend! :)
We're still making slow progress on the house - although we're going to stay here through the summer, we'll be finding a place of our own at that point. We're going to stay here to pay off debt and hopefully allow gp to go to school almost full time next year...so we're here for the time being, and are hoping to find the housing market even lower when we look next summer!
Here's some pics of what we've done...compare them to the pics from the first post, and there's QUITE a difference!

Here's a view of the living room (kind of looks like our apartment in Glendale transported to a different room...) we still need to replace the baseboards and put moulding in this room, but we're really happy with how it turned out..

another view....
here's the bedroom, complete with my first moulding project ever...not perfect, but definitely a learning experience!
We've also had a few visitors since arriving...Dana Martin came for the

and the Barnts drove down for a 24 hour stay and some Giants baseball (what else!) Aunti Hed couldn't have been MORE happy!
at the Giants game...
Lori trying desperately to bolster the Giant's season...alas, she failed...

and we had a visit from Lolo! SO good to see her....
one more fun thing...we're headed to Europe for 10 days in December...figured we'd make good use of the school break!
We miss you and love you - come visit, and we'll try to return the favor soon!
the ghp's