Sunday, April 25, 2010

Heather and I just returned from a 48 hour visit to New York City. We were able to visit with Heather's brother Bryan and Paula as their time out on the East Coast comes to a close soon. It was an incredible trip from beginning to end, and our kids survived our time away really well with their Abuela. Everyone we met were incredibly generous (especially the NBC employees) and we had the good fortune (thanks Bryan!) of being able to see Saturday Night Life in person, which was incredible. Thanks again Bryan and Paula for an amazing weekend, and to Sarah for making the trek out from CT.

Bryan and Heather- Times Square
Bryan in St Patrick's Cathedral
Grand Central Station
Heather and Sarah
Pub in Manhattan
Backstage at Today Show
Bow Bridge where Heather and I
got engaged 6 years ago

Bryan and Paula-Central Park

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Attention all of you single ladies...Put a ring on it!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

We celebrated Easter at our friends the Orrs last weekend, with the boys participating in an Easter Egg Hunt. I won't say who gathered more eggs out of Ellis, Sam, Riley, and Luke, but let's just say that Heather and I are awfully proud of our Ellis. Here are the photos...