Saturday, December 15, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Parenthood is awesome and tests every bit of patience at the same time sometimes. I can't believe, though, how much I love this little guy...I look forward to getting my smiles every morning, and can't wait to introduce him in person to everyone!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Parenthood has been easier and harder than we expected. Ellis has been awesome, and is quite the handsome fellow and monkey boy. We absolutely love being parents, and treasure each moment/day that we get a chance to hang out with him. Heather has carried the majority of the load with the 24/7 feedings and also with the transition to her true calling, being a mom. I have changed quite a few diapers, and feel most useful when trying to get him to sleep, which I have had a lot of success at so far. Speaking of sleep, we are sleeping a fair amount but know that every night is a new adventure. We have been the beneficiary of some amazing dinners from our friends the Branches and also Menlo Park Presbyterian Church where we have been attending.
Here are some additional photos, and snapshots of our son. Enjoy! George and Heather and Ellis

Here are some additional photos, and snapshots of our son. Enjoy! George and Heather and Ellis
Friday, October 19, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Okay, without further ado, here is our newest addition, or Ellis Anthony. Ellis Anthony Poliszuk was born October 14th, 2007 at 12:54 am, weighing in a 7 lbs 13 oz, and 19 inches in length. Labor, from the time of the shorter contractions to the time of birth, was only about 6 hours, and he literally was out in two pushes once the latter stage of labor kicked in. I will spare you the gory details, but the doctors and nurses were surprised how quickly he wanted to come out and they were scrambling to prepare to catch him. It was a surreal sight seeing him born, and then processing the fact that he is our child. As you will see from the photos, he is an awfully handsome fellow and currently looks like a combination of the two of us. Feel free to comment otherwise, but that is our story and we are sticking with it. Heather and I could not be happier even with the sleep deprivation, and we are already deeply smitten by this guy. Enjoy the photos and video! Thanks for all of your support, love, and prayers on our behalf.
George, Heather, and Ellis Poliszuk
George, Heather, and Ellis Poliszuk

Tuesday, October 02, 2007
I promised more preggo pics...and here they are - but first, an answer to prayer - Ellis had a completely normal non stress test Monday - so it looks like he is growing out of his arrhythmia!!!
(first pic is me in full nesting mode...not with a sewing machine, but with a caulking gun...very strange, but the project had been waiting for too long! :)
Friday, September 14, 2007
Okay, so I realize it's been almost a year since we've posted here - in fact, I'll be surprised if we have an audience at all...but I have a lot to say, and nowhere to say it - so this seems like a good forum. It's been a looooong year since leaving's strange that it (and the people there) are so much a part of our consciousness's, (is that a word?), yet our daily lives are so different. We've continued working on the house - which has seen much job has gone from sometimes a disaster to usually a pretty good day, and George has joined First Republic Bank again, which has been such a good place for him, it's nice to see him enjoying his job.
Between the struggle to get pregnant (very emotional), getting pregnant, and the loss of two central family members this summer (my grandmother and George's father), there have been many trials this year. The most difficult by far has been losing Tony (George's dad) just about 4 weeks ago. Despite his past of hospital visits and poor health, there was always the expectation that he would bounce back like he had so many times before. Actually losing him has been very difficult for especially Luisa, George, and Robert. I know at the house, we keep expecting him to walk back through the door. Especially hard is the fact that he won't get to meet his grandson, although George plans on fully indoctrinating our son (Ellis Anthony Poliszuk) in his grandfather's love of baseball :)
It IS amazing, however, to have faith and a belief that we will see him again - that there is hope in the midst of it all - the same feeling that was pervasive at my grandmother's funeral in July...that not only was there such faithfulness in both of their lives, but that they really ARE beyond all of the worries of this world, but that we will have the opportunity to see them.
I have a new niece - Lillian Ruth Auderer - Heidi went into labor two weeks before her due date and had the baby September 19...I've only seen pictures, but she has silky blond hair and was 8 lbs when she was born (the doctors said that if she had gone full term she could have been up to 10 pounds!
We have been praying for some of you know, he was diagnosed with a arrhythmia about 3 weeks ago. Through a fetal echo and a growth scan at Stanford, it was determined that it is a benign arrhythmia that would at some point resolve itself. At this point, I am heading back to Stanford twice a week in the mornings for what is called an NST (non-stress test), basically testing the baby for signs of an accelerated heart beat, etc. What's amazing is that the Lord has given me such a peace, such a realization of my inability to do anything about this - that Ellis is His completely, is His gift to us for a while, and that trying to control anything is total vanity that I have any control :) we're praying, that he will be a blessing to everyone he meets under any circumstances, and that we will have a drama-free labor and delivery. At this point, I am dilated 1 cm and 50% effaced, which I've heard could carry me through to my due date, or according to my doctor, may mean that he'll come a little early (which I wouldn't complain about! :)
George is so excited to be a dad - he puts his hand on my belly and says 'Ellis'...and the baby kicks and kicks...recognizes his voice already. Of course, he also talks to him about the most recent 49ers game - but that's a bit expected! I'm working 3 periods a day, which I am loving as a schedule, and have a student teacher that will take over as an intern when I go on leave (which is planned for October 17) One of the best things about having the student teacher is that he is now familiar with my system, familiar with the students, and can basically take care of himself while I am gone...such a great situation! I am so thankful for the school and my department chair for making it possible for me to stay there and take my leave without worry:)
Well, I will sign off...we will post some new pics of the belly (which has it's own zip code by now) soon...and hopefully not to far after that, will post some pics of our son!
Between the struggle to get pregnant (very emotional), getting pregnant, and the loss of two central family members this summer (my grandmother and George's father), there have been many trials this year. The most difficult by far has been losing Tony (George's dad) just about 4 weeks ago. Despite his past of hospital visits and poor health, there was always the expectation that he would bounce back like he had so many times before. Actually losing him has been very difficult for especially Luisa, George, and Robert. I know at the house, we keep expecting him to walk back through the door. Especially hard is the fact that he won't get to meet his grandson, although George plans on fully indoctrinating our son (Ellis Anthony Poliszuk) in his grandfather's love of baseball :)
It IS amazing, however, to have faith and a belief that we will see him again - that there is hope in the midst of it all - the same feeling that was pervasive at my grandmother's funeral in July...that not only was there such faithfulness in both of their lives, but that they really ARE beyond all of the worries of this world, but that we will have the opportunity to see them.
I have a new niece - Lillian Ruth Auderer - Heidi went into labor two weeks before her due date and had the baby September 19...I've only seen pictures, but she has silky blond hair and was 8 lbs when she was born (the doctors said that if she had gone full term she could have been up to 10 pounds!
We have been praying for some of you know, he was diagnosed with a arrhythmia about 3 weeks ago. Through a fetal echo and a growth scan at Stanford, it was determined that it is a benign arrhythmia that would at some point resolve itself. At this point, I am heading back to Stanford twice a week in the mornings for what is called an NST (non-stress test), basically testing the baby for signs of an accelerated heart beat, etc. What's amazing is that the Lord has given me such a peace, such a realization of my inability to do anything about this - that Ellis is His completely, is His gift to us for a while, and that trying to control anything is total vanity that I have any control :) we're praying, that he will be a blessing to everyone he meets under any circumstances, and that we will have a drama-free labor and delivery. At this point, I am dilated 1 cm and 50% effaced, which I've heard could carry me through to my due date, or according to my doctor, may mean that he'll come a little early (which I wouldn't complain about! :)
George is so excited to be a dad - he puts his hand on my belly and says 'Ellis'...and the baby kicks and kicks...recognizes his voice already. Of course, he also talks to him about the most recent 49ers game - but that's a bit expected! I'm working 3 periods a day, which I am loving as a schedule, and have a student teacher that will take over as an intern when I go on leave (which is planned for October 17) One of the best things about having the student teacher is that he is now familiar with my system, familiar with the students, and can basically take care of himself while I am gone...such a great situation! I am so thankful for the school and my department chair for making it possible for me to stay there and take my leave without worry:)
Well, I will sign off...we will post some new pics of the belly (which has it's own zip code by now) soon...and hopefully not to far after that, will post some pics of our son!
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