Okay, without further ado, here is our newest addition, or Ellis Anthony. Ellis Anthony Poliszuk was born October 14th, 2007 at 12:54 am, weighing in a 7 lbs 13 oz, and 19 inches in length. Labor, from the time of the shorter contractions to the time of birth, was only about 6 hours, and he literally was out in two pushes once the latter stage of labor kicked in. I will spare you the gory details, but the doctors and nurses were surprised how quickly he wanted to come out and they were scrambling to prepare to catch him. It was a surreal sight seeing him born, and then processing the fact that he is our child. As you will see from the photos, he is an awfully handsome fellow and currently looks like a combination of the two of us. Feel free to comment otherwise, but that is our story and we are sticking with it. Heather and I could not be happier even with the sleep deprivation, and we are already deeply smitten by this guy. Enjoy the photos and video! Thanks for all of your support, love, and prayers on our behalf.
George, Heather, and Ellis Poliszuk
George, Heather, and Ellis Poliszuk

Congratulations guys!!! Allis is just A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!!
i can't wait to meet him!!!! He is soooo handsome!!!!
aunt Paula =)
You guys- He is amazing georgeous! Im so excited for you. Have soo much fun with him!
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