Over the 4th of July weekend, Heather, Ellis and I flew up to Neskowin, Oregon to spend time with Bryan and Nancy and members from both extended families. We were fortunate enough to participate in Neskowin's annual 4th of July Parade and Uncle Sam made a surprising appearance (thanks Nancy!). It was a great time of rest, quality food, and family. We were also able to witness firsthand the recently renovated and amazing beach house of Bryan and Nancy. Enjoy! George and Heather
Group Photo of both families

Stacey and Michael

Brittany, Nancy and Stacey

Ellis in a ski cap

Heidi, Lillian, Ellis and Heather
on Neskowin Beach

Ellis with his dad

Ellis, Hannah and Lillian

Bryan and Nancy

Hannah and Hunter

Heather, Heidi and their dad

Beach House

Parting photo of weekend

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